Hi lovely reader!

A little late, intentionally, so that the link to the Wave 2 Release notes can be shared. Make sure you check out all of the new items for Customer Insights – Journeys and Customer Insights – Data, not forgetting all of the other information about Dynamics 365, Power Automate, Power Apps and the whole of the Power Platform. Lots of great stuff on the way!

As always, if you spot anything you think would be worth a mention, just let me know by sending a message via the online contact form using the navigation link above. Always good to know of others posting about D365 Marketing or if you see anything else other marketers should know about.

Now let’s get on with the newsletter!

D365 Marketing

The following relate to news and articles about Dynamics 365 Marketing

Wave 2 2024 Release Notes

The Release Notes for Wave 2 2024 are now ready for you to check out! Lots of great stuff going on, but also a little disappointing to see some of the same things we’ve already seen in previous release notes. Here’s to keep everything crossed that we get them all soon and no more delays!

Wave 2 2024 Release Notes

Sending A Journey Using RSS Feeds & Topics In Realtime Marketing

Back at the start of 2022, when Realtime Journeys and Triggers were just getting started, I wrote a post all about D365 Real-time Marketing, RSS Feeds & Subscription Centres. It gave you a way to create a Journey that would send an email out when you posted a new blog on your website to all those people who had subscribed and were included in a Subscription List. Moving on from that, we no longer use Subscription Lists with Real-time, and this time it’s all about Purposes and Topics and people Opting In or Opting Out. So how can you send out emails when you have a new blog post published? This post will show you how.

Sending A Journey Using RSS Feeds & Topics In Realtime Marketing


If there are any upcoming events relating to Marketing, they will go here!

From Psychology, to Customer Insights - Journeys with Kelly Simpson

This is a session on LinkedIn, hosted by the Scottish Summit Podcast, with Ana, Paddy and Rex tomorrow at 12.30 PM UK time. Their guest is Kelly Simpson who we’ve seen lots of posts from in this newsletter. Kelly will be talking about how she got started in her career and in the Microsoft community. A good one to check out!

From Psychology, to Customer Insights - Journeys with Kelly Simpson

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