Hi lovely reader!

Back with another issue of the D365 Marketing Weekly newsletter. I’ve got a couple of Dynamics related articles and some other marketing content that hopefully will be of interest.

As always, if you spot anything you think would be worth a mention, just let me know by sending a message via the online contact form using the navigation link above. Always good to know of others posting about D365 Marketing or if you see anything else other marketers should know about.

Now let’s get on with the newsletter!

D365 Marketing

The following relate to news and articles about Dynamics 365 Marketing

Triggering Journeys From Real-time Marketing Form Submissions

In a previous article, I wrote about creating a simple auto responder journey when someone submits an Outbound Marketing form… but what about Real-time Marketing forms? Well, first thing, make sure the new forms are right for your needs and organisation (check the documentation), but they are out of preview so good to start looking at them! In this post I will walk through reviewing your consent model, creating a simple form, then a journey all in Real-time Marketing in Dynamics 365.

Triggering Journeys From Real-time Marketing Form Submissions

Add the Insights tab to Lead and Contact forms in Dynamics 365 Marketing

The ‘Insights’ tab for Leads & Contacts in Dynamics 365 Marketing has had a bit of a facelift so that you can see insights for both real time and outbound marketing. But if you are not using the out of the box forms for Dynamics 365 Marketing you probably wont be able to enjoy this smorgasbord of analytics! The good news is it can be added to your custom forms, the not so good news is that you have to do it by editing the form xml and the consolidation is that Amey wrote a step by step guide on how to do it. A good one to review!

Add the Insights tab to Lead and Contact forms in Dynamics 365 Marketing


If there are any upcoming events relating to Marketing, they will go here!

Customer Experience Summit

I’ve mentioned this event in a previous issue, but the Dynamics CX Summit is coming up fast! There are still a few tickets left, so if you want a last minute trip to Brussels, Belgium, go and check it out. There is so much going on focused on Customer Service, OmniChannel. Chat Bots, AI and of course Dynamics 365 Marketing!

Customer Experience Summit

Other Content

Other Marketing content you might find useful

Using data to inform content strategy

Interesting article about using data and insights to make good business decisions, and learning to understand what that data is telling you. Often as marketers we have so much to do, it’s hard to find time to look at facts about your audience and what you are trying to achieve. Take a look at this post for some thoughts and ideas.

Using data to inform content strategy

How-to Guide to B2B Conversational Marketing

This article is all about conversational marketing in B2B. How do you take your business prospects and customers on a journey and the best possible purchase experience? What should that dialogue look like?

How-to Guide to B2B Conversational Marketing

The digital marketer’s privacy marketing tech toolkit explained

A nice post about online privacy, the concerns your customers might have, and how as a marketer you can keep on top of ‘privacy-preserving technology’.

The digital marketer’s privacy marketing tech toolkit explained

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