Hi lovely reader!

For those observant few, you may have noticed the D365 Marketing Weekly site was down for a bit last week. I moved the service used for the newsletter from Substack to beehiiv so had a little downtime while things updated. All back up and running with everything moved over and hopefully a slightly more streamlined site with some new features for me to test out. One new things is the ability to add comments to an issue, so feel free if you’ve something to share! Just scroll to the bottom and join the conversation!

As always, if you spot anything you think would be worth a mention, just let me know by sending a message via the online contact form using the navigation link above. Always good to know of others posting about D365 Marketing or if you see anything else other marketers should know about.

Now let’s get on with the newsletter!

D365 Marketing

The following relate to news and articles about Dynamics 365 Marketing

“Select all”: Javascript in the real-time form

Another great post from Pauline, this one with a way in which to provide a Select All check box so someone filling out a Realtime marketing form and select all purposes or topics in one go. She’s provided a nice Javascript example for you to get started with, so check this one out!

“Select all”: Javascript in the real-time form

Redirect After Preference Centre Submission

I wrote about how to make your Preference Centre page look more in line with your organisations branding by adjusting the CSS and adding a few extra items to the HTML code. That’s all well and good, but after the form is submitted, that nice experience is (IMHO) ruined, because the person is taken to another page with a plain background, a green check mark image, and whatever text you added to the thank you notification under form settings. Can that be improved? Not within the CSS at the moment, but we can do one better and do a redirect to a thank you page on your own website. Let’s take a look!

Redirect After Preference Centre Submission

Beyond the Basics, What's New in D365? Marketing Edition

In this LinkedIn post from CRM Knowledge, the start a January blog mini-series, with this one specifically focusing on Marketing (Customer Insights Journeys). Good to have another take and viewpoint on all the features released in December 2023 so take a look!

Beyond the Basics, What's New in D365? Marketing Edition


If there are any upcoming events relating to Marketing, they will go here!

European Power Platform Conference

The 3rd European Power Platform Conference (EPPC) will take place in Brussels, Belgium, June 11-13, 2024 at Square. This should give PLENTY of time to plan ahead and get yourself booked in. The event in 2023 had over 90 sessions so there is sure to be something for everyone!

European Power Platform Conference

Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Conference

DynamicsMinds is back for the second year, having debut in 2023. From insightful sessions and workshops led by world-acknowledged experts in Dynamics 365 and Power Platform to inspiring keynote, the conference was a magical whirlwind of knowledge and connections. You can register for the event held in Portoroz, Slovenia that is being held May 27th to the 29th this year.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Conference

Community Summit North America

Community Summit North America is going to San Antonio, Texas in the USA. The event is being held from October 13-17, 2024 and you can register now and take advantage of the early bird registration to get a lower cost. This is one of the biggest events of the year, and plenty of time for you to plan your trip and make sure you can attend!

Community Summit North America

Other Content

Other Marketing content you might find useful

Creating unique brand assets with Designer & DALL·E

I found the Create site from Microsoft while Googling how to create better AI prompts for Microsoft Designer. This is a good first article to get started with from Guy Parsons, but this one about generating art was really helpful too. It’s about knowing and understanding additional ways to get the most from the tool, and the tips are very much appreciated!

Creating unique brand assets with Designer & DALL·E

Not A Designer newsletter

I noticed this newsletter that was shared by Scott Hanselman over on Threads. It focuses on how to approach design best practices and principles, for people who are NOT a designer. For example, a great issue looking at ways to improve checkbox design on a form, or approaching content structure with wireframes, or rules for picking your heading’s typeface. I’ve subscribed and pretty sure I will end up sharing more content from Saron!

Not A Designer newsletter

MarTech Toolkit newsletter

This is another newsletter I found after switching to beehiiv. This is put together by Ewen who is a digital marketer and writes about trends in marketing technology, and features news, tips and tools that can help us all! Another one that might be useful to help stay up to date with all things marketing!

MarTech Toolkit newsletter

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