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Now let’s get on with the newsletter!

D365 Marketing

The following relate to news and articles about Dynamics 365 Marketing

Display Download Button After Realtime Marketing Form Submission

When submitting a Realtime Marketing form, there are two options available in terms of the end user experience for the submitter. You can either display a thankyou message, or redirect them to another page. I’ve written previously about how to display a message and then redirect, and also how to change the default image that gets shown. In this blog, I’ll show how you can display a message and a button that can be clicked to access another page. So consider a form for downloading a white paper. After submitting the form, a button can be shown that the person can click to access a PDF or open a new web page. Let’s take a look!

Display Download Button After Realtime Marketing Form Submission

MB-260: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights (Data) Specialist

For anyone considering getting in to Customer Insights – Data, Malin has put together a post with some links and an overview of all the topics of the MB-260 exam which is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights (Data) Specialist. Start with the study guide and then go through the learning material. Malin will be updating the post with links to each section as she does more blogs in the series.

MB-260: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights (Data) Specialist

Segments in Customer Insights - Journeys: Activities (Email, Appointment, Phone Call etc.)

I’m loving that Amey has started this series. Segments can be a mystery to people, and anything that starts to get a little complex can be a challenge for people to created. In this post, Amey looks at creating segments using activities to make sure those already being contacted by others in the organisation aren’t also being sent emails via marketing journeys. A very common use case!

Segments in Customer Insights - Journeys: Activities (Email, Appointment, Phone Call etc.)

Understanding Your Unassigned Data In GA4 With Custom Channels

If you are using Google Analytics (GA4), and are reviewing any of the acquisition reports, you’ll likely have seen some of that traffic showing up as unassigned. If Google doesn’t recognise where the traffic came from and there is no logical source or medium available, your website traffic will be tagged as Unassigned for the channel when looking at any of the standard reports. This channel is important to understand where your site visits are coming from to know what’s working for you (based on marketing spend) or when other people are sharing your content and traffic is coming from them. In this post, I’ll show how you can create your own custom channel list and add it to your own custom traffic acquisition report in GA4.

Understanding Your Unassigned Data In GA4 With Custom Channels

A Teams Webinar Lifecycle Journey – Across Events!

I love sharing posts from Pauline, she comes up with some fantastic content! In this blog, she shares the limelight with someone else in the community, Johannes Fleischhut. Johannes is doing fantastic things but yet to start his own blog (it’s only a matter of time 😉), so this one is a guest post on Pauline’s site, all about the lifecycle journey for a Microsoft TEAMS webinar. Great stuff!

A Teams Webinar Lifecycle Journey – Across Events!

Enhanced data collection and journey personalization with unmapped form fields

I love this post from Peter! With Realtime marketing forms, there is currently no out of the box way to add unmapped fields, they all must be fields that already exist on a lead or contact. Hopefully this will be on the way as a part of the product, but in the mean time, Peter has detailed some great information in this article with a way to not only add in additional fields on the form, but also include a way to access the responses as part of the journey.

Enhanced data collection and journey personalization with unmapped form fields

From head to toe - Where to place your web version link?

Good suggestions from Renée all about using the ‘View in browser’ link on your Realtime Marketing emails. The positioning of this link can make a difference and this article shows some great examples. Definitely one to check out, even if just as a little reminder on why it might be needed!

From head to toe - Where to place your web version link?


If there are any upcoming events relating to Marketing, they will go here!

January Meetup - CXP User Group

If you are not already a member of this group on LinkedIn, go and check them out! The focus of the group is D365 Marketing (Customer Insights – Journeys) and Customer Insights – Data. They aim to have monthly meetups held online, with the next one on Monday 29th January. Kelly Simpson (featured regularly in this newsletter) will be presenting this time! It’s free to register and you can attend from anywhere online.

January Meetup - CXP User Group

Other Content

Other Marketing content you might find useful

AI in Marketing: Resources for 2024

It’s not my favourite topic, but it’s one I know is important to understand and know the changes and developments that are happening in the world on the topic of Artificial Intelligence. Moneka has compiled some resources to help understand the marketing industry with regards to AI. Links included provide access to several white papers and a podcast. MMA is the Mobile Marketing Association.

AI in Marketing: Resources for 2024

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