Hi lovely reader!

Lots of noise last week about the one-click unsubscribe requirements and how they are handled in D365 Marketing. Make sure to check out a link in the newsletter this week for the Microsoft documentation, then one further down in the other content section that provides some FAQ information direct from Google.

As always, if you spot anything you think would be worth a mention, just let me know by sending a message via the online contact form using the navigation link above. Always good to know of others posting about D365 Marketing or if you see anything else other marketers should know about.

Now let’s get on with the newsletter!

D365 Marketing

The following relate to news and articles about Dynamics 365 Marketing

One-click unsubscribe support for emails

There has been a bit of confusion this past week about the required support for one-click unsubscribe coming to D365 Marketing. First it was there, then it was gone and now there is a roll out table that shows when it will appear for each geographic region. So, to be sure when it will be available in your app, check out this article in the Microsoft documentation.

One-click unsubscribe support for emails

Set Language Of Person Submitting Your Realtime Marketing Form

Using Realtime Marketing from Dynamics 365 (Customer Insights – Journeys) gives you the ability to customise your emails, and using dynamic conditional content, set different variations based on field values. One common field to use is that of a custom language field. You could ask for this information, or you could use a piece of information found within the developer console of a browser that shows the language set for the person filling out a form. In this post, I will walk through a way you can use that information to set a language field for each Lead or Contact filling out your Realtime forms.

Set Language Of Person Submitting Your Realtime Marketing Form

My own agenda – Session Registrations with Real-Time Marketing Forms

One of the things I love about this post from Renée is that she not only provides information on how to add session registration on realtime forms, but also links to many other people in her post, providing ways to get information easily on other topics. A great way to bring the community together! If you are doing events, and want to provide people with a way to schedule their own agenda, this one is for you!

My own agenda – Session Registrations with Real-Time Marketing Forms

"Load Consent" does not create all email consent records.

A great informational article from Marco who notices something odd when loading in consent records where they were not always being created for each Contact and Lead. After figuring out the cause, he’s written up what to do to make sure it will work flawlessly when loading those consent records in your organisation. Thanks for sharing your find Marco!


If there are any upcoming events relating to Marketing, they will go here!

Dynamics FO + CE D365 Summit Lisbon 2024

I absolutely LOVE the branding for this upcoming event in April in Lisbon, Portugal. It’s so creative, bright and colourful! The event also includes several bootcamps in the days prior to to the event, with the main summit on April 27th. Best thing about this event? It’s free! So don’t miss out and register today.

Dynamics FO + CE D365 Summit Lisbon 2024

Other Content

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Leading vs. Lagging Indicators in Marketing

Are you data-driven? Are you making decisions on your next marketing journey based on previous ones? This article looks at leading indicators measuring ongoing processes, and lagging indicators that measure by looking back at past events and quantifying their outcomes. Interesting terms to be aware of and understand!

Leading vs. Lagging Indicators in Marketing

Email sender guidelines FAQ

With all of the talk about one-click unsubscribe, it’s good to get some answers direct from Google. This FAQ page provides additional and detailed information about the guidelines for people sending emails. A good one to book mark too as they state they will keep it updated with any new information.

Email sender guidelines FAQ

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