Hi lovely reader!

A short but sweet issue this week! Just a few articles but wow, what an announcement from Microsoft! This is pretty awesome, especially for larger organisations or those with a well defined ALM process. Unlimited installs! Be sure to check out that link below.

As always, if you spot anything you think would be worth a mention, just let me know by sending a message via the online contact form using the navigation link above. Always good to know of others posting about D365 Marketing or if you see anything else other marketers should know about.

Now let’s get on with the newsletter!

D365 Marketing

The following relate to news and articles about Dynamics 365 Marketing

Announcing unlimited application installs in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

This one seemed to come out of nowhere but boy are people happy about it! Microsoft announced unlimited application installs for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. I’m guessing it’s to try and move people along to getting everything transitioned across to be Realtime Marketing only and get people off Outbound Marketing a bit faster. So if you have only ever had Realtime Marketing, or your licensing model has already been switched, this is something you can take advantage of from the 1st July 2024,

Announcing unlimited application installs in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Display Custom Message When Marketing Form Blocked By Browser

I love our community that blogs about and shares content on the Power Platform. It’s awesome having others there who are able to help or we can collaborate with. Amey Holden is one of those people for me. She and I have worked through challenges with marketing forms in Customer Insights – Journeys and also on using Google Tag Manager to fire and actually load the forms. She messaged me with an issue she had found when someone is viewing a website with a blocker extension of some kind in the browser which caused the form not to load. So that got me digging in to it. We can’t circumvent those blockers but we can make sure the person knows there is a form that should have loaded but can’t because of the extension being used. This post shows a quick way to make sure the website visitor knows what to do in order to get the form to load for them where this issue is marketing form blocked by browser.

Display Custom Message When Marketing Form Blocked By Browser

Custom Button in Dynamics 365: Trigger Journeys With One Click

Another brilliant post from Pauline, this time all about combining a button on the ribbon of a record (Contact in this case) and a custom trigger in Customer Insights – Journeys. She’s laid it all out with the different steps required which should be very straight forward for a System Administrator to follow. So if you want to know how to trigger a Journey from a button on a Contact (or Lead), this is the one for you!

Custom Button in Dynamics 365: Trigger Journeys With One Click

Other Content

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Differences in image size and third-party links for organic posts and Sponsored Content

I started to notice that the link shares I made on LinkedIn no longer had my blog post excerpt then the featured image displayed below it. Instead, the image was a small thumbnail preview which didn’t look so great. Many other people posting on LinkedIn had the same thing on their posts, but others didn’t which seemed strange. After a kind person shared news of an update, I now know LinkedIn have made changes to how organic posts are appearing. If you aren’t already aware and are responsible for your social media posts, this is one to read!

Differences in image size and third-party links for organic posts and Sponsored Content

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